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Quaker Valley Youth Boys Team (Grades K-6)

Registration is now open for the 2024-25 season!  Click Here to open the registration page (powered by TeamSnap) or Read On for an Overview of Our Program...


As the PIAA has officially sanctioned "Girls Wrestling" as an official High School sport, Quaker Valley Wrestling Assoc is excited to align with the formation of separate Boys & Girls Youth Teams.  


Our 2024-25 Boys Team is staffed with the following leadership:

  • Head Coach: Chris Pacellio

  • Curriculum Design: Austin Heinl

  • Clinicians: Cole Nye & Keegan Forsythe

  • Volunteers: Team Moms Asten Pacellio and Elysia Smith


The team will practice at the Sewickley Community Center with the following schedule:

  • Tuesday - Novice 6 pm to 7:15 pm Advanced 7:15 pm to 8:30 pm

  • Wednesday - Novice 6 pm to 7:15 pm Advanced 7:15 pm to 8:30 pm

  • Thursday - Both Novice and Advanced 6:00 pm to 7:15 pm (Focus on Fundamentals) Optional practice on Thursday's for all wrestlers at OMP for additional $25 a month. 


In addition, wrestlers with an active OMP Membership may choose to attend the Thursday, 7pm practice at the Quaker Valley Wrestling Facility for an advanced-level practice in lieu of the Thursday Fundamentals-focused practice at the Community Center.


Wrestlers must attend a minimum of two practices per week in order to remain eligible for WAWA competitions, dual team assignments and end-of-season Awards. This rule, new for the 2023-24 season, has been established to implore a TEAM-FIRST philosophy.  Remember, we are a Community Program and we pride ourselves on the lifelong friendships created in our wrestling room!


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Sewickley Community Center

15 Chadwick St. Sewickley, PA 15143 - Parking available in the lot and on street. Drop-off and pick-up around the building through the second set of doors and down the stairs.

The facility has wrestling mats, a water fountain and restrooms.  Parents are permitted to stay and watch practice.



Novice and Experienced wrestlers have endless competition opportunities throughout the season:

  • WAWA League Matches

  • 1st Year & Novice Tournaments

  • Open Tournaments

  • National Tournaments

  • Dual Team Competitions

  • WAWA League Championship

  • Area VII Championship

  • Pennsylvania Junior Wrestling Championship


The amount of competition for your wrestler is a personal choice.  You can wrestle in as little or as many competitions as you choose.  We recommend that minimally your wrestler participates in the WAWA League Matches & Championship (those competitions are included in your registration fee).


When your wrestler and the coaches feel that it's time for some additional competition, there are tournaments nearly every weekend in the Greater Pittsburgh area.  These tournaments typically have Novice and Open divisions.  The registration form will specify who is included in which division, but in Pennsylvania, Novice is typically for 1st and 2nd year wrestlers while Open is for 3rd year or more wrestlers.  A Novice wrestler can participate in an Open tournament.  However, a 3rd+ year wrestler cannot participate in a Novice tournament.  If you search, you can occasionally also find 1st Year Only tournaments.


When you register your wrestler, you will register him/her for a specific age and weight division.  Every tournament can set their own divisions.  Following are the age and weight divisions that Pennsylvania Junior Wrestling (PJW) used at the 2023 State Championship:


Boys 8 & Under: 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 75, 90, 110

Boys 10 & Under: 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 105, 120, 150

Boys 12 & Under: 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 115, 125, 135, 145, 160, 200


When selecting your division, the registration form should indicate the date at which age should be determined.  For example:


The date is November 15th.  You're registering your 10-year-old son, Dexter, for a tournament on January 7th.  The registration form states that age is as of December 31st.  Dexter turns 11 on January 1st.  You would register Dexter in the Boys 10 & Under division.


When selecting a weight class, you are selecting the weight that your wrestler will not exceed.  Weigh-ins are typically scheduled for the night before the tournament and/or a couple of hours before the tournament starts.  If you select a weight that is less than your wrestler's current weight, they will need to lose weight in order to participate at that weight class.  Note that some tournaments may offer a weight allowance.  That information will be stated on the registration form.  For example: Dexter currently weighs 106 pounds.  The registration form states that there is a 2-pound weight allowance.  This means Dexter can register for the 105 weight class.  Dexter will need to weigh <=107.0 at the weigh-in.


Some tournaments do not offer a weight allowance but do specify "flat weight".  This means that the ounces are considered.  113.6 would not be considered 113 "flat" because of the overage in ounces.


Be sure to read the registration form carefully for age and weight considerations as well as weigh-in requirements (i.e. must wear singlet to weigh-in), headgear requirements, entry fees, spectator fees, etc.


Note that QV coaches will attempt to attend and coach at local tournaments that draw a number of QV wrestlers.  If you do not have a QV coach at a local tournament, a parent (or another wrestler's parent) are certainly permitted to coach.  You will need to have an adult or knowledgeable teenager in the corner.


You can search for tournaments at Pennsylvania Youth Wrestling.  Click on the 'Tournament Locator' tab and scroll down.  Events are sorted by date.  Note that each event lists the PJW Area that it's located.  Quaker Valley is in Area VII.  Schools to our West are Area IV.  You can travel to any tournament that you want--some families enjoy making a weekend out of it!

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Quaker Valley Wrestling Association is a 501(c)3 Organization.  Contact Us for More Information.

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